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Obilnaja (c.g.)
Cultivar of Russian origin (Crimea). Expansive plants with early fruit set and good vegetative vigour. The fruit is round, medium sized, with the presence of bloom.
Rootstock from seed. It is undoubtedly the most widely used rootstock for plums.
Marianna GF 8L
Clonal rootstock. It is vigorous and induces fair productivity and good affinity.
Black Amber (c.g.)
Obtained in California in 1970. Plants with good vegetative vigour and upward behaviour. Medium-large, spherical fruit, very dark purple in colour.
Mirabolano B.
Clonal rootstock. Induces high vigour and has a certain disaffinity to cultivars such as Stanley and Regina Claudia.
Obilnaja (c.g.)
Cultivar of Russian origin (Crimea). Expansive plants with early fruit set and good vegetative vigour. The fruit is round, medium sized, with the presence of bloom.
Rootstock from seed. It is undoubtedly the most widely used rootstock for plums.
Marianna GF 8L
Clonal rootstock. It is vigorous and induces fair productivity and good affinity.
Black Amber (c.g.)
Obtained in California in 1970. Plants with good vegetative vigour and upward behaviour. Medium-large, spherical fruit, very dark purple in colour.
Mirabolano B.
Clonal rootstock. Induces high vigour and has a certain disaffinity to cultivars such as Stanley and Regina Claudia.